Practical Accounting In House Training
We offers accounting training program designed to assist individuals or Organisation in their transition for getting their books up to date and ready , by giving participants a practical hand on experience in TAX accounting and bookkeeping.
Our program is structured to encourage trainees/students to further develop their university knowledge via practical application whilst they familiarise and understand the 'Systems and Procedures' used in accounting firms. As well as the training trainees/students receive, they are also shown valuable job interview and job applications techniques by a professional recruitment consultant.
Advantages of ARC's internship/training programs:
- Flexible training programs to suit your busy lifestyle: Short term Intensive Training (4 Week Programs, Weekend Programs & 3 Months Employment Program) as well as long term, real work experience (6 to 12 Months Programs).
- You will be solving accounting problems from real cases using real clients.
- You will become an expert in handling software that is widely used in USA accounting practices Quickbooks.
- CA & CPA and IPA trainers, qualified and experienced mentors will assist, support and encourage your progress throughout your time at ARC.
- Professional communication skills training, incorporating interview skills, written, verbal and non-verbal communication training as well as assistance with job applications and resume advice.
- Additional assistance is available through mentors, if you are completing a CA and CPA course..
- A referral and placement service is available with the 6 Months Training Program for selected students only.